
Welcome to my blog! I document my adventures in fashion, fitness, and food!  Hope you have a nice stay!



Happy Friday everyone! This week has been really productive as I finally launched my blog and I hope you guys are all liking it so far! I feel extra motivated and disciplined on my time management now as I have a blog baby to take care of! Although I still kind of miss the time I was chilling by the beach with this baby girl in Kenting....(sad) I actually have a pretty low point earlier this week as this blog was judged before it was even launched; however, I do learn to stay positive and do not get influenced by those negativities, after all this is my life and we all need to work hard and #YOLO a bit no? The inspirational Manny Pacquiao once said, “Thank you to every person who has told me I can't. You are just another reason I will, ” here I am sharing this quote with all of you, head up, chin high, and let's work even harder next week!

週五愉快!這星期對我來說真是太重要了因為我終於正式將我的部落格上線了!雖然有點想念以前跟好友Val在墾丁悠遊曬太陽的時光,但現在每天的生活都非常充實因為我現在有了一個BLOG寶寶要照顧!不瞞各位,幾天前因為準備這個部落格我其實有一個小小的低潮,但我正學習用更正面的觀點以及胸懷來看這一切。人生只有一次,重點就是盡全力,問心無愧就夠了!拳擊手Manny Pacquiao曾經說過:「我感激那些曾經告訴我『你不會成功』的人,因為他們就是督促我前進、更加努力的動力」。我一直都很喜歡這句話,今天分享給大家,讓我們用更正面積極的心情迎接下一個禮拜!一起加油!#fighton

Very berry pink

Very berry pink

Orange Hue

Orange Hue