
Welcome to my blog! I document my adventures in fashion, fitness, and food!  Hope you have a nice stay!

Me and my blue thoughts

Me and my blue thoughts

Hello everyone! Hope you’re all having a good week so far. So I know I've been dragging this post a little bit as last week I just had my birthday celebration and I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I am already ONE YEAR OLDER AGAIN. Can somebody please tell me why people age so quick after 25? It literally felt like a blink of an eye! Enough with the rambling, time to share my new comfy look! Today I am matching this printed chiffon wide legs with a strappy camisole top, I love the casual vibes it created without looking too sloppy.  The rule I live by when going baggy, is that you can only have ONE loosy item on you, or you’re going to look like a homeless people living under the bridge or 5 inches shorter, can’t tell which one is worse. =P That’s the brief sharing for today, happy reading!

 大家這週都過得還好嗎?抱歉這篇文拖延了好一陣子才發,因為上禮拜我又老了一歲,還在集中精神思考我怎麼這麼快又老一歲了呢?誰來跟我分享一下為什麼一過了25歲後時間就造嘎哪飛(走像在飛台語版),一刻都停不下來。碎念完畢,今天要分享的是一套絕對透氣和超級涼爽的穿搭-- 雪紡寬褲+短版背心!在選搭寬鬆的衣褲時,我只遵守一個規則,也就是全身上下只能有一個寬鬆的單品(當然若妳身高170或九頭身不在此限),否則只有兩個下場,一個是看起來像是住在橋下的流浪漢,一個是瞬矮20公分.......大家要注意啊!今天簡短分享,閱讀愉快!

Photos by William Peng

Call me snow white?

Call me snow white?