
Welcome to my blog! I document my adventures in fashion, fitness, and food!  Hope you have a nice stay!

Let's Plaid

Let's Plaid

Hi everyone! Those of you followed me, probably already that I’ve been obsessed my mom’s sheer jumper for a while. I love it so dearly as whenever I wear it, I always feel like it creates an extra layer of fun and edginess. Coming from a somewhat more fashion conservative country like Taiwan (but we just legalize gay marriage, YAY for that!), wearing something like this will definitely get you a lot of attention when walking down the street- good ones and bad ones- so I was never dare to do it.


One thing I learn after moving New York, is that you literally can be whoever you want to be. Tell you one rebellious story (probably as rebellious as I can get in my entire life I know I am a light weight lol), the first week I was here, my cousin TJ took me to a company party on top of the Rock, and they have those beautiful hydrangeas (which happen to be my favorite flower). When the party was coming to an end and everybody was leaving, I was like, “I really want those hydrangeas.” TJ went like “Take it.” Then I was like “Noooo, that’s so bad I dare not.” Then he said “It’s New York, you go after the things you want.” Then guess what, I walked out that amazing party with some beautiful hydrangeas in my hand, and I never regret it.


The purpose of me sharing this story is not me telling you that you should start taking flowers from random places, the motto of the story is, life is short, and you got to have a little fun, and it’s mandatory. Same with fashion, do you stare in the mirror before you leave your places everyday thinking what or how people would think about your outfit/style? Well, excuse me for the language, but scr*w them! It’s your life, your style, and you wear what you want to wear, and be who you want to be.

我跟各位分享這個故事不是叫你變成偷花賊,我想要分享的重點是,人生很短,你要做你自己想做的事情,踏出自己的舒適圈,享受人生 。在每日的穿搭上也是一樣的,如果你曾經站在鏡子前對於自己的風格沒有自信,擔心別人會怎麼想,真的是不要管他們!這是你的人生、你的風格、你想穿什麼就穿什麼,你想成為什麼樣的人就成為什麼樣的人,做自己,好自在!

So today I am styling the sheer top with a silver skirt. I know there are some skin shown, but seriously who cares? To make the total look more fun, I tied a plaid shirt around my waist to accentuate the waistline and to give a pop of colors. To tone down the sexiness, I also wear a basketball cap from @JNSfashion to give a more edgy and punky vibe. I hope you enjoy this look, and my personal story! (and don’t report me lol!) Sending loves to you all, thanks for reading!



baseball cap: JNS (Thank you!)
leather jacket: Zara
plaid shirt: Zara
pencil skirt: H&M

Photos by Sworup(@sworupranjit)

*This post is sponsored by JNS*

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