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March Beauty Edit

March Beauty Edit

Hello everyone! Today I am sharing something really exciting, it’s my “Monthly Beauty Picks”! I’ve been thinking about creating this section for my blogs for so long, now I finally gather enough courage and content to get started! For the record, I bought some of the products myself, and some of them I received them from brands or influencer platform free of charge. But you can rest assured, I would never recommend a product I personally didn’t try and love!



Dior Glow Booster

Price: USD$95 | 新台幣3,400元

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Have you guys ever bought any clothes or shoes with same style but different color just because you love it so much that you just got to have them all? I am not going to lie, when I first saw the print ad of Dior Capture Youth, I literally have the urge to buy all of them! So yeah, I was really excited to finally try out my second serum of Capture Youth Series- Glow Booster! (My first was Plump Filler.) To begin with, I am loving the almost-oil-like texture- It makes it super easy to be mixed with any night cream that you are currently using. If you are feeling like spurge a little, go ahead and apply full dropper of Glow Booster! I was blown away by how quickly my skin absorbed the serum- my face didn’t feel greasy or heavy afterwards, yet showing a subtle luminous glow. I also love mixing Glow Booster and Plump Filler together; my skin looks like they’ve been drinking water all day in Tahiti!

有沒有人跟我一樣,如果喜歡一雙鞋,或者一件上衣,都會有種想要同款包色的衝動?不瞞各位,我當初看到迪奧新肌凍妍系列推出五大精準保養精華的時候,腦中的理智線真的有種瞬間一斷,好想全部擁有啊的感覺!所以這次能夠受邀試用其中一瓶Glow Booster活力明亮UP,我心裡真的是十分高興。(我的第一瓶是Plump Filler可是自己掏腰包買的呢!)話不多說,先來說說它的質地,雖說是油感質地,但擦在臉上只能用秒速吸收四個字來形容,讓我十分欽佩Dior R&D功力的強大。除了單擦外,我也喜歡將這瓶精華混在晚霜裡,或者和我另一瓶Plump Filler一起使用。我覺得Dior最神奇的地方,在於它真的一個用起來會有「幸福感」的品牌。我不要再勸敗了,你們自己去專櫃試用看看吧!

Glossier Solution

Price: USD$24 | 新台幣720元


If you don’t own any Glossier product, can you really call yourself a beauty junkie? This month, since almost all of my friends have bought this magical pink bottle of Solution, and I’ve been so brainwashed watching all of their demonstration and testimonial insta-stories, I finally decided to give it a go! And guess what, I LOVE IT! My pores always get really congested in the winter when it’s dry and cold outside, and this product is helping me cleaning out the pores and making sure no white heads are accidentally turning into inflamed acne when I am not paying attention. I also love how they seem to fade my old acne scars. I’ll definitely report back on this one when I am half way through this product. Also, who else have been loving Solution’s revolutionary pressing head? It’s the first of its kind in skincare field! Definitely LOVE.

在台灣的朋友可能沒聽過,但Glossier在美國可以說是夯到不能再夯的美妝界超紅新巨星。創辦人Emiy Weiss只有32歲,以美妝部落格IntoTheGloss起家,每個月高達十萬的讀者群讓她在四年前創辦Glossier的時候一炮而紅,款款單品至今都暢銷。Solution是我買的第一個Glossier產品,我只能說。我一用愛上,也瞬間明白Glossier如此紅的原因。先從瓶身設計說起吧,大家有看過保養品用這種按壓式壓頭的嗎?我個人超級喜歡,只能說超級無敵方便啊!美國因為冬天乾冷的關係,所以皮膚常常油水失調,很容易長白頭粉刺,然後一不小心就發炎變成大痘痘。Solution裡面的AHA、BHA、PHA讓我的毛孔保持暢通,粉刺少了,痘痘也少了,以前亂長痘摳出來的痘疤不知道是心理作用還是真的有效,看去裡也但了一點,皮膚透透亮亮的,所以這瓶,我絕對推薦!


ATOPALM Real Barrier Extreme Cream Mask屏護保濕抗皺乳霜面膜

Price: USD$26/10 sheets | 新台幣128元/片

K-beauty has been trending for the past couple years, and honestly I’ve never paid too much attention to it as I am also from Asia (Taiwan, born and raise), so I thought “how different can it be?” Taiwanese products are just as good! But oh boy, after receiving this product and trying it, IT REALLY CHANGED MY LIFE and here I am giving this product a sincere recommendation. To start off, suggested by the name extreme cream, this mask replaces the usual serum with the powerful cream. It’s infused with Vitamin E, Hyaluronic Acid, Panthenol, and Madecassoside (A pentacyclic triterpene isolated from Centella Asitica, as an anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative activities and anti-aging agent.). So basically this mask is super moisturizing, calming, and rejuvenating for your skin. I also am obsessed with its silky micro fiber sheets! It’s super soft and silky, and fits onto my face so well that it almost feels like it’s hugging my skin. Even when I was moving around, the sheet mask stays at where it needs to be to provide optimum moisturization. After 15 minutes my skin just looked moisturized, rejuvenated, and illuminating! Definitely one of the best masks I’ve tried. I would recommend this to anyone!

韓系保養已經燒好多年了,但不知道為何卻一直沒有燒到我。可能是因為我一直在美妝業工作的關係,加上我自己是台灣人所以我對亞洲沒什麼特別憧憬,不像米國人一聽到東方保養法就覺得很新奇那樣。但我最近試用了這款Real Barrier Extreme Cream面膜,不瞞各位我有點真心愛上。這款面膜最特別的地方,在於它以富含維他命E、玻尿酸、維他命原B5、和積雪草萃取物的乳霜精露取代一般傳統精華液,所以它更加地滋養。卻不黏膩。我也很喜歡它的面膜布,媲美絲綢質感的超細纖維,跟一般坊間紙料面膜用起來奇摩子真的差很多哪!重點是它的剪裁,特別貼合東方人的臉型,我邊敷面膜邊打掃東晃西晃的面膜還是紋風不動,15分鐘後肌膚真的只能用彈、潤、透、亮四個字來形容,是不是很棒!我稍微搜尋了一下,台灣目前網路上好像只有Momo購物網有賣,連結在此,喜歡的趕緊打包吧!我個人太愛了!

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